Image: Interior view, Gipsoteca canoviano, Possagno (Treviso)
In 2005, the Director of the National Gallery, London, signalled the long-standing eclipse of sculpture in favour of painting when he noted that “sculpture is what you fall over when you step back from the paintings”. The expanded field of contemporary sculptural practice, including installations, conceptual art and commissioned artist interventions, has nonetheless re-energised and revitalised the potential of sculpture to engage with the historical, institutional and even commercial dimensions of the museum. This lecture will consider the long and complex development from the Renaissance to today with a particular focus on the key role played by sculpture in communicating powerful ideas and associations when placed in dynamic museum exhibition environments.
Date: 1 September 2016, 6:15-7:15
Venue: Forum Theatre, Level 1, Arts West Building, University of Melbourne
Lecture introduced by Ken Scarlett OAM, Writer and Curator
Christopher R. Marshall is a Senior Lecturer in Art History and Museum Studies at the University of Melbourne. His publications on museums and curatorship include Sculpture and the Museum (2011) and contributions to Museum Making; Making Art History and Reshaping Museum Space (2005, 2007, 2012). His publications on Neapolitan Baroque art include the recently-published monograph, Baroque Naples and the Industry of Painting (2016).
His research distinctions include two years support from the Australian Research Council, the Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellowship (Centre for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art, Washington DC), a Senior Research Fellowship at the Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, a Research Fellowship at the Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan, and Visiting Senior Lecturing Fellowships at the Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, Wuhan, and the Department of Art and Art History, Duke University, Durham NC.
Inaugurated in 1986 the Annual Duldig Lecture on Sculpture commemorates the life and work of the artists Karl Duldig and Slawa Duldig (née Horowitz). This lecture is supported by the Duldig Studio, museum + sculpture garden.