Melbourne Art Journal

Melbourne Art Journal (MAJ) is an art history journal based in Melbourne. It is dedicated to publishing art historical research of the highest quality, from medieval to contemporary, European, Australian, and Asian. It has a particular interest in connections between Australia and Europe, including studies by art historians based in Australia and New Zealand writing on European topics, and topics in Australian and European art history that deal with the relationship between Australia and Europe.

MAJ is a fully refereed journal and recognised as such by DEST, the Australian Government academic research body. MAJ currently has an ‘A’ rating in the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) rankings produced by the Australian Research Council (ARC) which is a statutory authority within the Australian Government’s Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (IISR) portfolio. Articles aim to be both readable and scholarly. MAJ is predicated on the belief that art historical studies need to engage closely with images of works of art, and therefore aims to illustrate articles fully, with high quality illustrations, and with as many as the argument requires. Many contributions arise from the research of art historians at universities in Australia, but it welcomes contributions from any source. It is funded largely by sales of the journal and by grants from individuals and organisations.

MAJ is published by The Daytopia Press (

For all editorial enquiries about MAJ contact A/Prof. David R. Marshall:

For a current ‘Call for Contributions’ see Forthcoming Issues.

For further information see the About MAJ page on this site.

For a list of all MAJ articles click here.

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