Contact Us

If you have an event, news item, a call for papers, or other notice that you would like featured on the site please contact Katrina Grant:

Although we have a Melbourne focus, items of general interest are most welcome. This may include calls for papers for journals and conferences, art history events such as talks, symposia, conferences and lectures, scholarship and fellowship opportunities, details of new databases or digital collections and general news items related to art and art history. To guarantee that your notice is published please make sure you send the notice in at least five days before you would like it published. Please send clear information, preferably as a word document with relevant contact details. Also we prefer that items have an image to be posted alongside the story, please send this as a separate jpeg approximately 600 x 800px.

If you are interested in becoming involved with the Melbourne Art Network please contact Katrina Grant

To submit a proposal for a review, opinion piece or similar please contact Katrina Grant

All enquiries about Melbourne Art Journal should be directed to David Marshall

All enquiries about emaj should be directed to

Any enquiries about events, funding or calls for papers should be directed to the contact person specified in the post, not to MAN as we only advertise these items.

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