Ian has published extensively on Australian art and particularly on Indigenous art. His books include Indigenous Archives: The Making and Unmaking of Aboriginal Art, with Darren Jorgensen (2017); Rattling Spears: A History of Indigenous Australian Art(2016); Double Desire: Transculturation and Indigenous art (2014); How Aborigines Invented the Idea of Contemporary Art (2011); White Aborigines Identity Politics in Australian Art (1998); and The Art of Gordon Bennett, with a chapter by Gordon Bennett (1996). He is a superb addition to the Art History Program, to Indigenous Studies, and to our School as a whole.
The Hugh Ramsay Chair of Australian Art History is an endowed Chair, based in the Art History Program, which is supported by a visionary endowment from Faculty of Arts alumna Patricia Fullerton, the grand-niece of the Australian artist Hugh Ramsay (1877-1906). For more information about the Hugh Ramsay Chair and the bequest that has made it possible see: http://arts.unimelb.edu.au/news/hugh-ramsay-chair-in-australian-art-history-established-following-major-gift