Research Fellowships in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Girton College, Cambridge
Applications are invited for a Research Fellowship, to be held in Architecture, Art History, Education, Human Geography, Law, Music, Philosophy (inc. Philosophy of Science), Politics, Psychology, Sociology or Theology for the academic year 2012/13 and tenable for three years. The Fellowship is open to graduates of any university with no age limit, but it is intended to support those at an early stage in their academic careers, and will normally be awarded to a candidate who has recently completed a Ph.D. or is close to completion. The competition involves assessment of candidates’ submitted work and interview. Those interested should note that the standard needed to progress to the later stages of the competition is extremely high. Overseas candidates should also note that the College cannot be responsible for payment of air fares should they be short-listed for interview.
The emoluments of the Fellowship are reviewed annually (in August). The present scale from 1 August 2020 will rise by two annual increments from £18,190 to £20,409 p.a for a Research Fellow who has not completed his/her Ph.D. and £19,261 to £21,652 p.a. for a post-doctoral Research Fellow. The Fellowship is pensionable under U.S.S. Emoluments are paid monthly in arrears by bank transfer. The postholder is required to provide four hours supervision teaching per week during the twenty weeks of the teaching year; in some circumstances this requirement may be reduced during the first year. Research expenses up to a total of £2,500 over the three years of the Fellowship may be paid.
The closing date for applications is Wednesday 11 January 2021. Short-listed candidates will be invited to submit work in early February, and final interviews will take place on Tuesday 13 March 2012.
Further details about this appointment and the online application process are available from the College website at Alternatively, please contact the Mistress’s Office at