Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS), a national advocacy body that supports the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) sector in Australia.
CHASS are now inviting nominations for this year’s CHASS Australia Prizes.
Nominations are currently open for the 2017 CHASS Australia Distinctive Work Prize, which is for an exceptional artistic performance, exhibition, film, television show, play, composition or practical contribution to arts policy in 2016. This cash prize of $3,500 is being sponsored by Routledge. The nominated work must have some relevance to Australian cultural and intellectual life. More details here
2017 CHASS Australia Prize for a Future Leader – for an individual under 30 years of age who is demonstrating leadership skill and potential in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. I have attached a poster with more information, trust you will find it useful.
Nominees in this category must have published a non-fiction book/e-book in any HASS area between the dates of 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2016. Self-nominations are acceptable. Books should be by a single author or, at most, two authors. Edited collections are not eligible. The book may have been published overseas, but the nominee must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident. Self-published books and e-books will be considered if the author can provide evidence that the book has been peer-reviewed. All works must be in English; unpublished manuscripts are not eligible. Books are not required to deal solely with Australian topics. For example, biographies of non-Australians and books about events that took place outside of Australia are acceptable. The CHASS prize will be awarded to the author whose book, in the opinion of the judges, contributes most to cultural and intellectual life in Australia. One copy of the application form needs to be submitted along with five copies of the nominated book or CD (for an e-book) for judging purposes. A single author can submit up to four books. Kindly note application materials and books will not be returned to applicants. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
This prize is for a performance, exhibition, research project or a specific advance in policy development in any HASS field. Performances or exhibitions must have been open to the public between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2016. Policy work and research may have commenced earlier, but must have been completed during 2016. Self-nominations are acceptable. Nominees should provide sufficient evidence to allow judges to assess the impact of the performance, exhibition, project or policy. The nature of this evidence is up to the nominator (for e.g.: critical reviews, impact assessments, spin-offs, new policies). Performances, exhibitions or policy work may have taken place abroad, but nominees must be citizens or permanent residents of Australia, and the work must have some relevance to Australian cultural and intellectual life. All materials submitted must be in English. The application form needs to be submitted along with five copies each of the nomination statement and all supporting materials. These materials will not be returned to applicants. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
This prize is for an early career professional in any of the HASS disciplines. This prize recognises the nominee’s professional achievements and contribution to the advancement of the HASS sector. It celebrates and rewards best practice and innovation of young HASS professionals in Australia. To be eligible, nominees must be 30 years or under as at 31 December 2016. Self-nominations are acceptable. Nominators should provide a copy of their updated CV outlining their professional history and showing professional achievements and contribution in their functional/specialist area, and sufficient evidence to allow judges to assess their leadership. The nature of this evidence is up to the nominator and should include clear evidence of leadership. The work may take place abroad, but nominees must be citizens or permanent residents of Australia and the work should be relevant to Australian cultural and intellectual life. All application materials must be in English. The application form needs to be submitted along with five copies each of the nomination statement, all supporting materials, and identification documents proving the nominee’s date of birth. These materials will not be returned to applicants. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
This prize is for a student project, performance or exhibition that best exemplifies the contribution of HASS to our understanding of our nation and us. The nominated work must have been completed between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2016. Students enrolled at any level in any Australian educational institution are eligible to be nominated. Self-nominations are also acceptable. Nominators should provide sufficient evidence to allow judges to assess their work. The nature of this evidence is up to the nominator (for e.g.: critical reviews, impact assessments). All works must be in English. The application form needs to be submitted along with five copies each of the nomination statement, all supporting materials, and identification documents proving the nominee’s student status (valid student ID or the most recent student ID if the nominee has graduated). These materials will not be returned to applicants. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
General information
Please note there is no nomination fee, and nominations are open from anyone regardless of their years of training/study in the field, as long as the nominated work fits within the specified criteria. CHASS accepts both self-nominations and nominations made on behalf of someone else.
Nominations will close at 5pm on 30 June and we strongly encourage applicants to apply early.
CHASS website: