François Boucher, French, 1748, Oil on canvas, 116 x 133 in. 71.PA.37
Online registration closes soon for the David Nichol Smith Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Studies XV.
10-12 December 2014 | The University of Sydney | Sydney, Australia
The Sydney Intellectual History Network and ‘Putting Periodisation to Use’ Research Group at the University of Sydney invite you to the Fifteenth David Nichol Smith Seminar (DNS), with the theme ‘Ideas and Enlightenment’. Inaugurated and supported by the National Library of Australia, the DNS conference is the leading forum for eighteenth-century studies in Australasia. It brings together scholars from across the region and internationally who work on the long eighteenth century in a range of disciplines, including history, literature, art and architectural history, philosophy, the history of science, musicology, anthropology, archaeology and studies of material culture.
Keynote speakers
Full details of each keynote here – individual registration for each keynote is available.
John Dixon Hunt (University of Pennsylvania) | Fruit from the ‘Inlightened’ Tree: The Royal Society, History & the Picturesque
Sophia Rosenfeld (University of Virginia) | The History of Choice: An 18th-Century Subject
Michael McKeon (Rutgers University) | Paradise Lost, Poem of the Restoration Period
Erika Naginski (Harvard University) | Impossible Design: Porsenna’s Tomb and French Visionary Architecture
Jeffrey Collins (Bard Graduate Center, New York) | From Ditch to Nitch: Making the Hall of the Muses
Stephen Bending (University of Southampton) | Pleasure Gardens and the Problems of Pleasure
If you have questions about the conference, please contact the organising committee at sihn.dns@sydney.edu.au.
DNS XV Organising Committee: Prof Jennifer Milam, Dr Nicola Parsons, Dr Jennifer Ferng and Prof Mark Ledbury.
To register and to see the full program visit the conference website: http://sydney.edu.au/intellectual-history/news-events/dns-conference-2014.shtml