From Melancholy to Euphoria: The materialisation of emotion in Middle Eastern Manuscripts Symposium 27-28 June 2018, The University of Melbourne Register Now Full Programme Registrations are now open for the two-day symposium From Melancholy to Euphoria: The materialisation of emotion in Middle Eastern Manuscripts. Early-bird registrations are now available at $100 for both days, including: all conference sessions 27-28 June 2018 with keynote lectures by Assoc. Prof Mandana Barkeshli, Prof Amir Zekrgoo, Prof Robyn Sloggett and Dr Stefano Carboni. Morning tea is provided both days. Standard registrations cost $120. This Symposium will examine the relationship between text, manuscript production (calligraphy and illumination) and the elicitation and excitation of emotions in this form of transmission of knowledge and beliefs. This symposium is made possible by support from the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions. The Middle Eastern…
Tag: Symposium
Symposium | CHANGEMAKERS #1: Mapping Sustainability in the Visual Arts | VCA Melbourne
SYMPOSIUM – CHANGEMAKERS #1: Mapping Sustainability in the Visual Arts Friday 20 April 2018, 10.15am-17.30pm Federation Hall, VCA, Melbourne This symposium is FREE and open to students and the public. CHANGEMAKERS #1 will bring together key people in the field who are focused on fostering change and new models of arts and cultural practice, and even more importantly – those who are seeking a sustainable future where emerging artists, curators and arts professionals are placed at the forefront. Broken down into six distinct themes, six leaders in the arts will discuss their present circumstances and future vision. With an introduction by Dr. Rachel Marsden, Lecturer in Art Curatorship at the University of Melbourne, speakers include: Patricia Piccinini – Artist and Enterprise Professor, Victorian College of the Arts Alexie Glass-Kantor – Curator and Executive Director, Artspace, Sydney Corbett Lyon – Collector…
Symposium Devotion, Objects and Emotion, 1300–1700 | Registrations Now Open
Friday and Saturday, 16-17 March 2018. Registrations Now Open: Program: Contact for further enquiries: Julie Davies, , or 8344 5981 Religion is a cultural field in which emotions exercise a preeminent role. Feelings are integral to religion, and their significance is encapsulated in the concept of religious devotion. This symposium will focus on the relationships between religious devotion, objects and emotion in Europe between 1300 and 1700. Religious devotion promotes the exercise of a wide range of emotional expressions and behaviours that assume, communicate and give shape to the broader religious belief systems and cosmologies of which they are part. Objects used in religious practices accrue the power to arouse, channel and mediate our emotions; while their materiality and use in devotional practice can expand our understanding of the historical layering and expression of religious emotions, and…
Updated – Symposium – ‘Collecting the Now’ | NGV International | 7-8 March 2018
‘Collecting the Now’ Symposium 7th – 8th March, 2018 NGV-I Clemenger Auditorium The art and design of the twenty-first century is characterised by complexity and change. Contemporary artists and designers experiment with new materials, emerging technologies and fluid conceptual frameworks that challenge normative approaches to the collection, preservation and presentation of art within collecting institutions. ‘Collecting the Now’ means collecting works that defy easy categorisation by media type or size and may invite an active and iterative engagement with the visitor that contradict traditional preservation conventions. The program for this two-day symposium will bring together an inter-disciplinary mix of conservators, installers, registrars, contract specialists, curators and artists to explore the challenges presented by the acquisition and display of contemporary art and design. It will be an opportunity to share the innovative methods, practices and materials being used to address their…
Conference and Public Lecture | A Baroque Bishop in Colonial Australia | University of Melbourne
A Baroque Bishop in Colonial Australia: The cultural patronage of Bishop James Goold (1812-1886). This international symposium (15 to 16 February 2018, with keynote opening evening on 14 February) examines the patronage of Melbourne’s first Catholic Bishop, James Goold and his contribution to the cultural life of colonial Melbourne, especially through his art collection, library and patronage of architecture. The conference will be opened with a keynote public lecture Image and Imagination, The Pictorial Presence of Heavenly Grace in Baroque Painting by Professor Dr Klaus Krüger, Professor of Art History, Freie Universität Berlin Keynote Lecture: 14th February 5:30-7:30pm at the University of Melbourne, Elisabeth Murdoc Theatre. Registrations here Symposium 15-16th February, 9am onwards at The Cardinal Knox Centre, St Patricks Cathedral; & Elisabeth Murdoch Theatre A, University of Melbourne, Parkville. Registrations here Download the Symposium Program here. About the Symposium…
Symposium | The Transit Lounge of Photography and Magic Lantern Performance | CCP Fitzroy
A symposium on the ever-changing states of photography from the invention of the medium to the digital present. From the magic lantern to Instagram and ‘connected photography’ this symposium unpacks a little history of the transmission of images. The Transit Lounge of Photography examines where the medium of record has been and asks: how is it travelling. The Transit Lounge of Photography is all about making connections with photographic images and reading their vapor trails, presenting a series of projections on images and ideas in the share-house of photography. Join us for an afternoon looking through photographs and at photography ending in a live magic lantern show in the evening. Coordinated by Patrick Pound (Deakin Motion Lab Centre for Creative Arts Research) and the CCP. Presented by Deakin Motion Lab Centre for Creative Arts Research Saturday 21 October, 3pm–7:30pm Bookings required,…
Symposium | Gender in Southeast Asian Art Histories | University of Sydney
Studies focused on gender in Southeast Asian societies have emerged, in recent decades, in approximate concurrence with the development of regionally focused Southeast Asian art histories. The founding premise of this international symposium is that there has to date been insufficient intersection between these two fields. As the first symposium of its kind, Gender in Southeast Asian Art Histories aims to establish the parameters of current research, and to develop inter-disciplinary and transnational frameworks for future studies in the field. Bringing together a range of scholars working on the pre-modern, modern, and contemporary, we seek to consider new perspectives and methodological approaches brought to the fore in art history through studies that are attentive to gender, or how we might reassess art historical narratives through the lens of gender. The symposium will be launched by a keynote address from Professor…
Symposium | Academia and Bohemia: New Perspectives on the National Gallery School | Victorian College of the Arts
A free one-day symposium, which presents new perspectives on the National Gallery of Victoria’s Art School, is organised by the Australian Institute of Art History (AIAH) in the Faculty of Arts, in collaboration with the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA), as part of the celebrations in honour of the 150th anniversary of the Victorian College of the Arts. Founded in 1867, the National Gallery Art School has remained the leading continuous centre of academic art training in Australia, becoming the first school of the Victorian College of the Arts in 1973, and later affiliating with the University of Melbourne in 1991. You are invited to hear a group of experts, including Michael Varcoe-Cocks (National Gallery of Victoria), Professor Catherine Speck (University of Adelaide), Dr Stephen Mead (independent scholar), Dr Bronwyn Hughes (independent scholar), Ms Alexandra Ellem (University of Melbourne),…
Symposium | The Art of Attribution: The Catalogue Raisonne in the 21st Century | National Gallery of Australia
The NGA and the Australian Institute of Art History at the University of Melbourne are co-hosting a one-day symposium on the significance and challenges of compiling a catalogue raisonné. Saturday, 15th July 2017 at the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra FREE but registration essential The catalogue raisonné is a comprehensive listing of the known works by an artist or group, and may be limited in its scope to a particular medium or date range. In Australia, a number of key catalogues raisonnés have been published on artists such as Tom Roberts, George Lambert, Margaret Preston, Bea Maddock, John Brack, and most recently Rupert Bunny. Dialogue around such projects, and their role in the 21st century, provides a meeting point for academia, the museum sector and the wider art world. As the first forum solely focused on the catalogue raisonné…
Symposium | The Emotions of Love in the Art of Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe | Melbourne
Save the date for the upcoming symposium presented by The Centre for the History of Emotions at the University of Melbourne and the National Gallery of Victoria The Emotions of Love in the Art of Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe Date: Thursday 4 May – Saturday 6 May 2021 Venue: Thursday and Friday – University of Melbourne, Woodward Conference Centre, 10th floor, Melbourne Law (Building 106), 185 Pelham Street, Carlton Venue: Saturday – The National Gallery of Victoria, Clemenger Auditorium, 180 St Kilda Road, Melbourne Convenors: Charles Zika and Angela Hesson Contact: Julie Davies ( Website: Registrations: Opening soon! Love in Medieval and Early Modern Europe was a complex emotion, a constellation of feelings shaped and reflected by artists, writers and thinkers that sought to give expression to human experience and also provide models for individual and group behavior. Notions of love took different forms and…
International Symposium | Parallel Histories: Nineteenth-Century Australian and American Landscape Painting |
The landscape of ideas, explorer artists, the pastoral arcadia of settlers, and the natural wilderness will be surveyed in Not As The Songs Of Other Lands exhibition at the Ian Potter Museum of Art, University of Melbourne. Recalling sentimental landscapes in the manner of Claude Lorrain (1600-1682) and so-called ‘improved landscapes’ with the inclusion of mercantile, agricultural and industrial iconography, this Symposium will highlight the introduction of American theories of perception and visual representations of materiality and ideology in the landscape, especially when positioned alongside the Australian interpretation of Indigenous landscapes and cultures. There are many parallels to be found in the representation of such complex cultural heritage. This symposium will activate these ideas beyond the scope of the exhibition space. Join us as we examine the connections between the depiction of landscape, and the visual representation of myth and…
Symposium | Mutable Truths -Perspectives on Philippine Contemporary Art Practice | Castlemaine
Mutable Truths -Perspectives on Philippine Contemporary Art Practice Artists – Poklong Anading, Martha Atienza, Lyle Buencamino, Charles Buenconsejo, Buen Calubayan, Marina Cruz, Kawayan de Guia, Leeroy New, Mark Salvatus, Ronald Ventura A decade-long partnership of reciprocal arts residencies between Ateneo de Manila University, through Ateneo Art Gallery, and La Trobe University is being celebrated during the 2017 Castlemaine State Festival. Featuring a group exhibition of contemporary Filipino visual art Mutable Truths at La Trobe University’s Visual Arts Centre in Bendigo and a temporary installation at the Castlemaine Art Museum, La Puerta del Laberinto by Leeory New, this unique project is also the focus for a visual art symposium. All 10 exhibiting artists will participate in the symposium at the Castlemaine Art Museum, providing rare and inspiring insights into contemporary Filipino art. Venue: Phee Broadway Theatre, 14 Lyttleton Street, Castlemaine Date: Friday…
MADA Master of Fine Art Graduate exhibition and Fine Art Postgraduate Symposium
MADA’s Master of Fine Art Graduate exhibition includes both emerging and established contemporary artists who have completed their Master’s of Fine Art. This is an opportunity for industry professionals, future students, educators and the general public to see our graduating students’ work. – Belle Bassin – Sophia Dacy-Cole – Melissa Deerson – Marnie Edmiston – Christopher L G Hill – Kym Maxwell – Rosina Prestia The Fine Art Postgraduate Symposium 2017 presents a day of papers by Monash graduate researchers working across art history and theory, curatorial and fine art practice. The papers span a broad spectrum of research and practice, but share an attention to some of the most vital and compelling aspects of contemporary life and culture. Schedule: Thursday 16 February Fine Art Postgraduate Symposium 2017 9.00am Welcome 9.15–10.15am Keynote: Agatha Gothe-Snape Session 1: Robert Vidas, An Examination of…
Call for Papers | Gender in Southeast Asian Art Histories | Sydney October 2017
Gender in Southeast Asian Art Histories | An international symposium hosted by the Power Institute, University of Sydney, Australia, 11–13 October 2017 Proposals due 28 February 2021 Studies focused on gender in Southeast Asian societies have emerged, in recent decades, in approximate concurrence with the development of regionally focused Southeast Asian art histories. The founding premise of this international symposium is that there has hitherto been insufficient discursive intersection between these two fields. Topics discussed may include: 1. Accounts of individual artists and collectives whose work engages with gender; 2. Investigations of gender in the exhibitionary, critical, and historiographical receptions of works of art, from any period 3. Considerations of the relationships between artists and/or works of art and larger Southeast Asian cultural constructs of gender, as enacted in political, economic, religious and other domains. Proposals will be particularly welcomed for papers…
Symposium | Agency and aesthetics: A symposium on the expanded field of photography | Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki
With more photographs circulating than ever before, what do photographers want their images to do? How are artists retaining agency amongst the changing ontology of photography and its conventions and technologies? Does photography either in an art gallery or online still offer a democratic potential in its ability to alter or resist existing positions? As part of considering the shifting politics and aesthetics of photography the event is an opportunity to consider the current nature of subjectivity in image worlds. If the selfie is the “the first format of the new global majority” as Niholas Mirzoeff has stated, how has it continued to be an argument about who a person is and what they stand for? Where is the self situated in the convergence of images and multiple public personae online? This day-long symposium invites artists, writers, critics, academics and…