Deadline – January 14th, 2018 Inaugurated in 2013, the post-doctoral fellowship program is awarded to a promising and exceptional scholar for one academic year. The sixth fellowship is to start in August 2018. Funded by the Goethe-Institut, the Goethe-Institut Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Haus der Kunst is designed for international emerging scholars whose research focuses on global perspectives on modern and contemporary art in the second half of the 20th century and the 21st century. The fellowship shall concentrate on the research for a comprehensive exhibition project on the global art historical developments of the Post-colonial era covering the period 1955 – 1980. The project is the second of a trilogy whose first on Postwar: Art Between the Pacific and the Atlantic was on display from October 14th, 2016 to March 26th, 2017. The third chapter will be devoted to Post-communism.…
Tag: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Jobs, Funding, Calls for Papers | Art History and Curatorship | 22nd July 2016

Jobs Australia Lecturer, Printmedia and Drawing, School of Art, ANU – deadline 14th August 2016 Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Heritage of the Built Environment, University of Melbourne – deadline 2nd October 2016 Registration Manager, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences – deadline 31st July 2016 Assistant Curator (Temporary Part-time, 6 months), Fairfield City Museum and Gallery – deadline 12th August 2016 International Associate Professor / Assistant Professor – Sculpture, Hong Kong Baptist University – deadline 6th August 2016 Funding NSW Government fellowship for established NSW artists – deadline 22nd August 2016 Calls for Papers Art and Ideology in the Twelfth-Century Western Mediterranean (Symposium at Bard Graduate Center, New York City, October 14, 2020) – deadline 29th July 2016 Amerasia Journal Special Issue: Exhibiting Race and Culture – deadline 15th November 2016 International and Interdisciplinary Conference: Culture, Meaning and Art (Kolkata, India,…
Art History and Art Opportunities | Jobs, Funding, Calls for Papers | 28th February 2014
Jobs Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Italian Studies – University of Leeds – deadline 6th March 2014 Assistant Curator Collections and Exhibitions, Newcastle Art Gallery – deadline 14th March 2014 Associate Professor in Visual Arts – Art History and Theory, Charles Darwin University – deadline 20th March 2014 Curator, Grafton Regional Gallery – deadline 10th March 2014 Fari Sayeed Visiting Fellow in Islamic Art, Pembroke College, Cambridge – deadline 24th March 2014 Research Assistant/Associate in Global Traffic in Illicit Cultural Objects, University of Glasgow – deadline 23rd March 2014 Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer / Lecturer: Arts & Design History, University of Brunei Darussalam – deadline 12th March 2014 Lecturer in Eighteenth-Century Studies, University of Kent – deadline 23rd March 2014 Awards and Funding Nominations open for the Crawford Medal for achievement and promise in the humanities for an Australian-based early career…
Opportunities | Jobs, Funding, Calls for Papers | August 23rd 2013
Jobs Director, Castlemaine Art Gallery and Museum – deadline not specified Director (Maternity Leave), National Exhibitions Touring Support (NETS) Victoria – deadline 26th August 2013 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, (working with Professor Charles Zika and the Change Program of the Centre) – deadline 19th September 2013 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, Professor Stephanie Trigg, and Senior Research Fellow, Dr Grace Moore) – deadline 19th September 2013 Postdoctoral Research Assistant – Rock Art (Arabian Peninsula), University of Oxford -Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art – deadline 11th October 2013 Dean of Fine Art, Royal College of Art, London – deadline 9th September 2013 Andrew W Mellon Foundation/Research Forum Postdoctoral Fellow (Activities Coordinator), Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London – deadline Associate Curator, Pacific, Auckland Museum – deadline 29th August 2013…
Opportunities | Calls for Papers, Jobs, Funding | December 19th 2012
Please note this will be the last Opportunities post for 2012. I will start them up again in January. Also a reminder that I often list calls for papers and jobs on the MAN twitter account as I receive them and will continue to do so over the next few weeks, so follow me on twitter if you would like updates over the rest of December and early January – Katrina Grant. Jobs Research Fellow, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford – deadline January 10th 2013 Lecturer in Cultural Materials Conservation, The University of Melbourne – deadline January 20th 2013 Director, Ian Potter Museum of Art at the University of Melbourne – deadline January 21st 2013 Post Doctoral Research Fellowship in the History of Violence in the Modern Era (pdf) (broadly defined across humanities so could include art history), University of Newcastle (NSW)…
Opportunities | Jobs, Funding, Calls for Papers | November 30th 2012
Jobs Postdoctoral Research Associate in History, Political Theory and Internet Research at University of Cambridge – Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities – deadline 7th December 2012 Chair of Art History Department at The American University of Rome -Department of Art History, Rome – no deadline specified. Andrew W Mellon Foundation/Research Forum Postdoctoral Fellow – deadline 20 December 2012. Assistant Professors/Lecturers in Film Studies and related disciplines in Creative Arts, such as Advertising, Animation, Digital Visual Effects, Media and Sound Design, Photography, and Visual Communication at The Open University of Hong Kong – School of Arts and Social Sciences – no set deadline. Lecturer in Museum Studies, University of Glasgow – College of Arts – deadline 16th December 2012. Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship Program at the Wesleyan University Center for the Humanities – deadline 10th january 2013. Exhibitions Project…
Opportunities | Jobs, Funding, Calls for Papers | November 22nd, 2012
Jobs Curator, Special Collection, University Library at The University of Melbourne – deadline 6 December 2012. Sydney Biennale Nick Waterlow OAM Curatorial Fellow – deadline 7th December 2012. Assistant of Assoc. Professor of Contemporary and Modern Art, University of Toronto Scarborough – deadline December 11 2012. Terra Fellowships and Professorships in American Art at the Courtauld Institute – deadline 15 January 2013. Postdoc Fellowship in Spatial Art History, École normale supérieure, Paris – deadline 7th January 2013 British School at Rome Awards for senior and junior scholars in classics, archaeology, art history, architectural history, social and cultural history – deadline 15th January (or 1st January for Giles Worsley architecture/architectural history award). Chair in Art History and Visual Culture , University of Exeter, UK – deadline 19th December 2012. Postdoctoral Researcher, Religious Imagery and Material Culture c.200 – 800 CE (there positions), British…
Opportunities | Calls for Papers, Jobs and Funding
Opportunities | September 21st, 2012 These links used to go out as part of the News and Writing links posts, but I have decided to do a separate post as the the news and links posts have been getting longer and longer. This will hopefully make them more manageable and allow me to post the things with deadlines more promptly! I will aim to send them every Friday morning (and the News posts on Saturdays). I also usually post them on twitter as soon as I receive them, so follow me there if you would like to receive them earlier. Also I welcome contributions so if you have a job, scholarship, conference CFP or other opportunity you would like to advertise please send it through. Each post is sent to a mailing list of 700 people working in the arts…
Job | Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the Sydney College of the Arts

University of Sydney Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the Sydney College of the Arts Full-time, 3 year fixed term: $92,604 p.a. – $99,404 p.a. including salary, leave loading and up to 17% super The University of Sydney invites applications for the Sydney College of the Arts Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2012 A new Postdoctoral Fellowship is being offered to attract an outstanding researcher to conduct full- time research at Sydney College of the Arts at the University of Sydney. Applicants must have received their doctorate within the last six years. Aims and Status of the Fellowship The Fellowship is a highly competitive award that is advertised internationally. It contributes to SCA’s strategic plan to build its research capacity to the level where the College is a globally significant hub of research in practice-based and contemporary-arts research. The successful applicant will be based full-time at…
Funding | Mellon Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in the History of Architecture and Architectural Drawings, Oxford
Mellon Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in the History of Architecture and Architectural Drawings University of Oxford The closing date for applications is midday on 15 March 2012. The Mellon postdoctoral fellowships are funded by the Andrew W Mellon Foundation as part of a wider Oxford University initiative which is designed to provide an intensive and supported career development opportunity for outstanding academics at an early stage of their career; to recruit the very best of the next generation of potential academics; and to promote equality of opportunity by helping to create a more diverse pool of potential candidates for future academic posts at Oxford. The Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the History of Architecture and Architectural Drawings is tenable in the History of Art Department (History Faculty) and the Ashmolean Museum. The successful applicant will pursue a research project on the history of…
Funding | Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, Cambridge

Six Postdoctoral Research Fellowships: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities University of Cambridge Limit of tenure: Appointment is for five years, from 1 September 2012, and is non-renewable. Closing Date: 2 April 2021 Applications are invited for 6 post-doctoral fellows to work on the European Research Council funded interdisciplinary, collaborative project entitled The Bible and Antiquity in Nineteenth-Century Culture, to be located in the Centre for Research in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities. Applications are encouraged with regard to any relevant field including history, art history, classics, literary studies, Jewish studies, history of archaeology, history of education, cultural history, history of scholarship, theology, history of biblical interpretation, philosophy, history of science, Egyptology, Assyriology. Applicants may propose to work on any relevant aspect of the five major themes of the project: the bible in and as history; the bible…
Fellowship | Howard and Roberta Ahmanson Fellow in Art and Religion at the National Gallery in London

Howard and Roberta Ahmanson Fellow in Art and Religion Closing date: 22 February 2012 The Gallery wishes to appoint the first Howard and Roberta Ahmanson Fellow in Art and Religion. This is a new role with responsibility for developing one of the National Gallery`s key research themes. You will hold a relevant doctorate or be about to complete a doctorate. You will undertake a research project in this field based on the Gallery`s collection which can be presented to the public in the Gallery and/or online. You will promote debate and research in this area and contribute to the teaching of the MA in Christianity and the Arts, a collaboration between the Gallery and King`s London. This is a fixed term post for 22 months. For full details and position description visit NGL website
MIT Aga Khan 2012-2013 Postdoctoral Fellowships for research in Islamic Architecture
Aga Khan 2012-2013 Postdoctoral Fellowships for research in Islamic Architecture Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at MIT The Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at MIT (AKPIA@MIT) is pleased to announce its postdoctoral fellowship program for the academic year 2012-2013. The fellowship program is intended for scholars with a PhD in any field related to architecture – including architectural, art, landscape, and urban history; design, technology, computation, urban planning, anthropology, and archeaology – who are engaged in research on an Islamic topic. One to three fellowships will be granted. The fellowship duration can range from two months to a maximum of two semesters, or nine months, of residency, that will have to fall within the academic year. Fellows are expected to pursue their own research, give at least one public lecture, submit a substantial report on their research at the end…
Mellon/Newton Postdoctoral Research Fellowships at the University of Cambridge

Mellon/Newton Postdoctoral Research Fellowships Applications are invited for two 2-year interdisciplinary Post-doctoral Research Fellowships starting in October 2012 and based at CRASSH. The programme, funded jointly by the Mellon Foundation and the Isaac Newton Trust, is aimed at researchers working in any field of the arts, social sciences or humanities. The fellowships will enable post-doctoral fellows to consolidate their research and publication record while developing a related project or initiative at CRASSH during their two-year fellowship. For further details of the post, please see the CRASSH website, * Limit of tenure: Appointment is fixed term for two years and is non-renewable. Closing Date: 2 March 2021 with Interview Date(s): Week of 24 April 2021
Funding: Research Fellowships in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Cambridge, UK
Research Fellowships in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Girton College, Cambridge Applications are invited for a Research Fellowship, to be held in Architecture, Art History, Education, Human Geography, Law, Music, Philosophy (inc. Philosophy of Science), Politics, Psychology, Sociology or Theology for the academic year 2012/13 and tenable for three years. The Fellowship is open to graduates of any university with no age limit, but it is intended to support those at an early stage in their academic careers, and will normally be awarded to a candidate who has recently completed a Ph.D. or is close to completion. The competition involves assessment of candidates’ submitted work and interview. Those interested should note that the standard needed to progress to the later stages of the competition is extremely high. Overseas candidates should also note that the College cannot be responsible for payment of air fares should they be short-listed for interview. The emoluments…