Tag Archive for Art and Law

Lecture | OLAF OSSMANN Deprivation of art work by the Nazi regime in Europe – Consequences for art collectors today | NGV

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In this special event, hear Swiss-based lawyer Olaf Ossmann speak about the art collection of Jewish industrialist Richard Semmel and its fate. Ossmann will discuss the Nazi policy on art and Jews from 1933 to 1945, the subsequent policy of the Allied Forces, and the post-Second World War developments that led to the 1998 Washington Conference on Holocaust Era Assets. Olaf Ossmann specialises in international law and the restitution of art works. Most recently he has worked with the NGV as the legal representative to the heirs of Richard Semmel…

Talk - Hidden and in plain view: considering Taryn Simon’s Index

Hidden and in plain view: considering Taryn Simon’s Index Inspired by rumours of WMDs and secret sites in Iraq, American photographer Taryn Simon decided to address secret sites in her own country. For An American Index of the Hidden and Unfamiliar 2006, Simon photographed hidden places and things within US borders. Her subjects range across realms of science, government, medicine, entertainment, nature, security, and religion. As Australians, what do we make of Simon’s America, are we both intrigued and repelled? While this series has been described as the ‘aesthetic antithesis…