Call for Papers | Perspective: actualité en histoire de l’art – ‘Destroying’

The next issue of the journal Perspective: actualité en histoire de l’art will focus on the theme “destroying”. It will open the exploration to all fields concerned by this notion that transcends geographical, historical and cultural boundaries. In the artistic field, the destruction concerns just as much the reception as the creation of the art. This call for contribution intends to create a set of proposals exploring the proposed theme in its widest range, from monuments and architectural production (“communist monuments”, etc.) to images (icons, etc.), including objects (readymades, self-destructive machines of Jean Tinguely, etc.), even the performances (Les “Colères” d’Arman”, etc.).
Perspective wishes to privilege diachronic studies with multiple forms and stakes. The proposals could go from the synthetic article focusing on a particular point of the theme (25,000 signs) to the historiographical assessment of a geographical territory, a singular figure, or even a precise historical period (45,000 characters). Perspective will take over the traduction work, so propositions will be reviewed by the editorial board regardless of language.
Please send your proposals (a summary of 2,000 to 3,000 characters and a biography of 2 or 3 lines) to the editorial address ( before Monday, November 27, 2020. The authors of the articles selected will be informed of the committee’s decision before the end of the year, while the articles will be submitted on June 15 2018 for publication in December 2018.
For additional information, visit Perspective‘s page on the INHA website, and browse our journal online

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